Qualitative Research

Understanding consumer behavior is no easy thing. Humans are ever-changing. Evolving. Social. Special. And oh-so-challenging.

But who doesn’t love a challenge?

Study Hall™’s diverse qualitative research methods are grounded in the idea that the consumer and the questions should shape the qualitative method (not the other way around). Our goal is always to generate…

Empathy (between research subjects and us)
Engagement (and a personal and emotional connection)
Enlightenment (as a result of deep and more personal insights and learning)

Our qualitative is at its most powerful when we set the proper framework for your targets to talk in their terms, and on their turf—with us along for the ride. And our qualitative team (which includes some of the industry’s leading moderators) knows how to wrestle every possible insight from your consumers.

  • ‘Accompanieds’ (shopping, buying, vacationing, driving, and on…and on…)
  • Brand Strategy & Development
  • Creative Content Evaluation & Refinement
  • Creative Strategy & Development
  • Ethnography & Deep Immersion (‘live’ or digital)
  • Executive IDIs
  • Focus Group Moderation
  • Global Fieldwork & Field Management
  • In Home & Real World ‘In Situ’ Discussions
  • In-Depth Interview (IDI) discussions
  • Online Digital Dialogue™ Discussion Communities
  • Packaging Development & Refinement
  • Product Development & Refinement
  • Specialty Audience Qualitative
  • Taste Testing
  • Video Conference Group Discussions and Interviews
  • Website & App Usability Evaluation