Lifestyle Family Fitness and SPARK select Study Hall for key brand research initiative

Working with their advertising agency of record SPARK, Lifestyle Family Fitness has selected Study Hall Research to conduct brand research for the 55-unit health and fitness club. Study Hall will be partnering with Lifestyle Family Fitness and SPARK to explore a series of issues relating to club members and the synergistic brand experience that is a hallmark of all Lifestyle Family Fitness facilities. In selecting Study Hall, Dulani Gunasinghe (Account Director, SPARK) noted that “Study Hall was the one research partner that clearly ‘got’ what our needs are. They have deep and broad experience within our category, but also across a range of other categories, and are able to draw from that comprehensive knowledge to greatly enhance our primary market research.” Chuck Downs (VP of Marketing, Lifestyle Family Fitness) added “Study Hall brings a good balance of national retail research experience, positive work style and a desire to help us better understand our members.”

Headquartered in Clearwater, FL, Lifestyle Family Fitness was founded in Lakeland, FL in 1982 and currently owns and operates 55 locations in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Indiana. The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) ranked Lifestyle Family Fitness as one of the top 20 fastest-growing fitness companies in the world.

For more information or to discuss how Study Hall can become an engagement partner for your brand, contact Rodney Kayton ( or Rob Iles ( 813.849.4255.