Study Hall awarded prestigious Healthcare Certification from the GreenBook organization and its GreenBook Health business unit.

Study Hall Research has been named one of only 40 healthcare research specialists worldwide to be awarded the prestigious GreenBook Healthcare Certification. The consultancy submitted credentials for its healthcare research capabilities in 18 key categories, and was certified in 15 of the 18. It is anticipated that the remaining three certifications will be issued during September 2011. GreenBook Healthcare Certification is a two-stage process, requiring both proven evidence of healthcare research expertise in each individual category and a thorough assessment of candidate firms by present and past clients. The accreditation process was conducted completely independently of Study Hall.

Addressing this influential certification, Rob Iles (Managing Director – Study Hall) said: ‘We are wildly pleased to be recognized by GreenBook Health. This certification is a clear validation of our track record in providing healthcare clients with sustained excellence in a wide range of healthcare research areas.’ Iles added ‘To realize that this distinction has been awarded to only 40 companies worldwide further underscores how our insights and our approach to healthcare research are second to none. We want to express our appreciation to GreenBook Health for this recognition, but also to our healthcare research clients for continually challenging us with an increasingly diverse variety of healthcare research issues. We welcome new challenges and new clients from all areas of our healthcare expertise: managed care, hospitals and healthcare facilities, insurance providers, clinical trials, physicians and medical organizations and others.’

The GreenBook Health Certification Program helps sophisticated buyers of healthcare marketing services evaluate and select the most appropriate marketing research supplier for their specific needs. The certification serves as an objective measure that an organization has demonstrable expertise conducting highly-specialized types of healthcare marketing research projects. The full Study Hall Research certification can be found at currently includes information on over 300 specialized suppliers and agencies in over 60 different service categories. Organizations can apply to be certified in the specific service categories where they have expertise.

For more information on Study Hall Research and our healthcare expertise, call us at 813.849.4255, x203. Or go to