Study Hall Research attends 2014 MRA ISC

Study Hall Research consulting staff attended the 2014 MRA Insights & Strategies Conference (ISC) from 3-6 June in Chicago.

The ISC is one of the most significant annual events sponsored by the Marketing Research Association (MRA). This year’s ISC was from 4-6 June at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place in Chicago. ISC is a unique and important conference in that it includes four distinct attendee tracks: corporate researcher, research analyst, research executive, and innovation.

The Insights & Strategies Conference focuses on industry innovations and trends, but also on practical and advanced marketing research technical skills, analytics, and data synthesis, and building business integration and storytelling skills. The overall intent of the conference is to provide continuous education & innovation training, present a forum for idea exchanges, and provide networking opportunities.

The ISC draws more than 500 attendees each year, from multiple facets of research: vendors, consultancies such as Study Hall, corporate researchers, marketing & brand managers, and more.

To learn more about Study Hall’s expertise in primary market research, custom qualitative or quantitative studies, or our innovative range of online- and blog-based research techniques–or to request case studies for any of our broad range of client categories–contact us at 813.849.4255, x203 or email us through our website at