Study Hall Research extends ongoing philanthropy with holiday gift to honor clients; firm contributes to UNICEF K.I.N.D. global education campaign to fund classroom desks in Malawi

Continuing its ongoing philanthropic support of local, national and global efforts, Study Hall Research has once again made a contribution on behalf of its clients to the UNICEF Kids In Need of Desks (K.I.N.D.) global education campaign.  This year-end contribution is sufficient to provide desks and supplies to a full classroom of 40 students in impoverished Malawi.

The UNICEF K.I.N.D. program has a very clear mission: ‘Every day, millions of children throughout Africa struggle to learn while sitting on the floor or on the ground outdoors.  Giving them a desk, where they can write and concentrate, is the first step towards creating an educational system that attracts, and keeps, eager young students.’  This is the second year that Study Hall has made such a contribution to K.I.N.D.

Commenting on the year-end contribution, Rob Iles (Partner – Managing Director, Study Hall) said, ‘Starting with our corporate brand identity, it is clear that Study Hall believes very seriously that an education is the pathway to success.  Helping a classroom of students get that education is the ideal way to back up that belief, and contributing an entire classroom of desks and supplies just moves UNICEF’s mission that much further forward.  Of course, our ability to contribute to such a worthy cause is thanks to the success we enjoyed in 2015, and for that we are honored, grateful, and thrilled to be able to pay it forward in this way.  Study Hall made this contribution to K.I.N.D. on behalf of our clients and hope that they will share in the satisfaction of knowing that a group of children will be that much closer to the education they deserve.’

Iles added ‘This year end contribution also marks a continuation of Study Hall’s commitment to giving back to the communities and constituencies we serve.  In the past year, we have also extended both financial and pro bono support to the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay ( and Starting Right Now (, two local Tampa Bay organizations we feel that everyone should know and support.’

For more information, or to make a contribution to the UNICEF K.I.N.D. fund, go to .

Study Hall Research provides B2C and B2B clients with a range of full-service and custom marketing research consulting services—from traditional qualitative and quantitative methods to non-traditional and emerging research as diverse as deep-immersion ethnography to shopper behavior studies to synchronous and asynchronous Digital Dialogue® research. To request case studies for any of our broad range of qualitative and quantitative custom research—contact us at 813.849.4255, or email us through our website at