E-prescription and health information network leader Surescripts contracts Study Hall Research for strategic business- and revenue-development research

Heading into the final month of 2012, Study Hall was assigned strategic research responsibilities for Surescripts, a leading provider of e-prescribing and health information networking solutions. During December, Study Hall will complete a series of in-depth interviews with key healthcare decision-makers regarding Surescripts’ current and prospective professional services offerings.

Remarking on this new client engagement, Rodney Kayton (Managing Partner) said ‘As the healthcare category grows more diverse and more complex, there will be an increasing need for Study Hall’s broad range of research solutions for partner clients. This current Surescripts assignment represents just one of those research areas in which Surescripts has asked that we provide a detailed perspective of the current professional services needstates among decision-makers, as well as an objective assessment of areas of opportunity. This primary qualitative research will provide a sound basis for those insights.’ Kayton added ‘Surescripts is a recognized leader in the e-prescribing and electronic health records (EHR) fields, and their decision to again partner with Study Hall is strong confirmation of our expertise in healthcare market research.’

As operator of the nation’s largest health information network, Surescripts is serving a growing number of providers by expanding network capabilities to enable the transmission of electronic prescribing of controlled substances and clinical messages. Surescripts helps providers enhance the continuity of care by facilitating a more timely, accurate, electronic exchange of e-prescriptions, immunization records, patient summaries, lab results, and other vital patient information. For more information, go to www.Surescripts.com.

To learn more about Study Hall’s deep and broad healthcare marketing research capabilities–or to request case studies for healthcare or any of our broad range of client categories–contact us at 813.849.4255, x203 or contact us via www.studyhallresearch.com/contact.