Study Hall Research contributes to Operation BBQ Relief to provide meals to victims of disasters and the first responders there to help them. Holiday gifts extended in appreciation of clients’ support.

As a sign of appreciation, gratitude and thanks for its clients-and to mark the end of a successful business year—Study Hall Research has made a year-end contribution to Operation BBQ Relief. This contribution serves as a reinforcement of the firm’s commitment to giving back to the communities the firm serves, and to providing help where it is most urgently needed locally, nationally and globally. And at the same time, this contribution reflects Study Hall’s considerable primary marketing research experience in food-related areas such as casual dining, QSR and more.

Operation BBQ Relief (OBR) provides meals to displaced residents and emergency personnel during times of natural and other disasters in the United States and territories. In 2017, OBR deployed to provide hot meals to victims and first responders at natural disasters in Florida, Texas, Missouri and California among many others. In Florida and Texas alone, more than 500,000 meals were served, meals were airlifted and dropped into the Florida Keys, and logistics plans were developed for providing meals to Puerto Rico. The organization strives to provide compassion and offer hope and friendship to those whose lives have been affected by those disasters. The organization was recently honored to be one of 10 charities named CNN Heroes ( for humanitarian work.

Regarding the contribution, Rob Iles (Partner – Managing Director, Study Hall) said, ‘We are immensely grateful for the success of Study Hall Research, and this success is due to our ever-growing client base. Study Hall has a strong focus on sharing our success and giving back, and one of the best gifts anyone can give is to provide help to someone in need. To us, Operation BBQ Relief exemplifies this giving spirit, while also providing human sustenance when and where it is needed most. Study Hall Research is thrilled to be able to provide this support as a gesture of appreciation for our valued clients, particularly during a year that has seen so many challenges. We hope our clients can share in our excitement for supporting this terrific organization.’

For more information, or to make a contribution to Operation BBQ Relief, go to

Study Hall Research provides B2C and B2B clients with a range of full-service and custom marketing research consulting services—from traditional qualitative and quantitative methods to non-traditional and emerging research as diverse as deep-immersion ethnography to shopper behavior studies to synchronous and asynchronous Digital Dialogue® research. To request case studies for any of our broad range of qualitative and quantitative custom research—contact us at 813.849.4255, or email us through our website at