Study Hall Research continues work in air transportation sector, is tapped by Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and InnovAt International for strategic development research

Study Hall Research has been selected by the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac) and its strategic consulting partner InnovAt International to provide strategic development research relating to the airport and its traveler offerings and amenities.

Commenting on this milestone, Rob Iles (Partner – Managing Director, Study Hall) said, ‘We are pleased and excited to—again—be contracted for primary market research by a client from well outside our Florida home.  The Port of Seattle and Sea-Tac are a critical part of the air transportation system in the Pacific Northwest, and Seattle presents far different consumer and strategic challenges than other aviation markets we have worked in.  We look forward to this new engagement and the continuation of our working partnership with InnovAt International.’

Study Hall Research provides a range of full-service and custom marketing research consulting services in categories from travel & leisure to government, from aviation to healthcare and more.  We provide primary market research ranging from traditional qualitative and quantitative methods to non-traditional and emerging research as diverse as deep-immersion ethnography, shopper behavior studies, and synchronous and asynchronous digital research. To request case studies for any of our broad range of qualitative and quantitative custom research–contact us at 813.849.4255, x203 or email us through our website at