To honor clients at the holiday, Study Hall Research contributes to UNICEF K.I.N.D. global education campaign to fund classroom desks in Malawi and to the NoKidHungry fund to combat youth food insecurity.

Study Hall Research has made a contribution on behalf of all its clients to the UNICEF Kids In Need of Desks (K.I.N.D.) global education campaign, a continuation of the firm’s commitment to having a positive impact on children’s lives locally, nationally and globally.  The gift will provide desks and classroom supplies sufficient to accommodate 40 students in impoverished Malawi.  In addition, the gift provides educational funding for young women to receive education that may not previously have been possible.

This is the fifth year that Study Hall has made such a contribution to the UNICEF K.I.N.D. program, a recognition of the firm’s strong support of K.I.N.D.’s mission.  Per the K.I.N.D. website, ‘Every day, millions of children throughout Africa struggle to learn while sitting on the floor or on the ground outdoors.  Giving them a desk, where they can write and concentrate, is the first step toward creating an educational system that attracts, and keeps, eager young students.’ K.I.N.D. has brought desks to more than 450,000 children in Malawi.

Regarding the year-end contribution, Rob Iles (Partner – Managing Director, Study Hall) said, ‘We at Study Hall are always thrilled to have the opportunity to make this contribution at the end of the year. It’s thanks to our great clients that we are able to pay forward our good fortune to children in need of the most important component of a successful life – an education.  And we hope all our clients share in our enthusiasm for this important life skill and the tremendous impact this gift makes.’

In addition to the K.I.N.D. contribution, Study Hall has extended a contribution to the NoKidHungry fund  (  The No Kid Hungry campaign connects kids in need with nutritious food and teaches their families how to cook healthy, affordable meals. The campaign also engages the public to make ending child hunger a national priority.

Said Iles, ‘The two main components of education are 1—the ability to have a place to learn, and 2—to be well-fed in order to optimize learning.  These contributions—made in recognition and honor of our clients—help ensure that kids have access to the tools necessary for a strong educational foundation and a more fulfilling life.’

For more information, or to make a contribution to the UNICEF K.I.N.D. fund, go to

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